A Breakthrough

important link
Medicine for the 21st Century

With gratitude for the more than 40 years of successful medical career, in which we were able to lay the foundation of "health for everyone".

Mission Statement
We express our dedication to the well-being of all through our combined effort of innovation, development, integration, education and support.

Some important links:
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization:
"Antimicrobial resistance in the European Union and the world
"Resistance to antibiotics could bring "the end of modern medicine as we know it"
CDC Threat Report:

"We will Soon Be in a Post-Antibiotic Era"
"World has reached end of antibiotics era: US body"

The Lancet: prof. Otto Cars (University Uppsala)
"Antibiotic Resistence"
German (Die Zeit)
Jeder Zweite glaubt, Antibiotika heilten Erkältungen

Post-Antibiotics Medicine
The WHO has published a new book, entitled "The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance"

It reads: "A crisis has been building up over the decades, so that today many common and life-theatening infections are becoming difficult or even impossible to treat, sometimes turning a common infection into a life-threatening one"

Margaret Chan, director-general of the WHO warned that this would mean "an end to modern medicine as we know it"

Our comment
An infection is an interplay between the immune-system and the microbe. "Modern medicine" has erroneously put the emphasis on exclusevely killing the microbe. It is ignorant about strengthening the immune-system .It is now painfully confronted with its own neglect.

"The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything"

Infection only thrives in a favorable "milieu", characterized by immune-deficiency and a toxic internal environment. To treat the "terrain" is the expertise of biological, natural, wholistic, evolutionary medicine. The irony: "the last will be the first" - "complementary" medicine as the only one that can cope with the "post-antibiotics era". We love to introduce our "Flow System Therapy" to colleagues, clinics, hospitals, universities!

Our Visiting Teacher Program
Talks, Teachings, Workshops, Seminars, Retreats, Trainings
Our integrated approach is unique in the world
Longevity-Achieving a Long Life
Through Flow System Therapy +  Chinese Guasha
Bodymind Regeneration therapy
Regeneration of Stress & Burn-out
together with
Chinese Guasha Master

Personal wholistic advice & guidance
By appointment
Personal Health Plan
10 steps toward optimal vitality

(In Muslim countries:
for non-Muslims only)

OVC Health Check-up
A great opportunity for optimizing your health, lifestyle, prevention - through our mail-order self-help project -
while (indirectly!) curing chronic disease. Based on 40 years
of (holistic) medical expertise.

Wholistic Cancer Healing Group Sessions
Spiritually, emotionally, physically.
The most integrated approach, giving new hope to many.

Our Top Priority Program
Prevention of Breast Cancer!
For women worldwide.

Educational Internet Project
In Seven Steps

1. Personal Health Plan
The Evolutionary Basic Therapy
Our free six weeks' program for optimizing your health, consisting of 10 integrated steps. The best "health insurance" you ever had.


5. Career Perspectives
The career perspectives are that of a Neighborhood, a Commune, a County and a Regional Health Consultant.


2. Extension of Self Care
This includes the possibility of personal guidance - through our OVC Health Check-up - while extending your learning process.


6. A New Health Care
Our revolutionary design based on concentric circles ("echelons") of Self Care, Holistic and Technological Medicine respectively.


3. Street Health Teams
Subsequently, you may dedicate yourself more to the study of Self Care. 60-70 % of health lies in our own hands, after all.


7. Natural Medicine for the "Third World"
The peoples of the Third World have an equal right to optimal health. VITALWORLD could play an important role here.


4. Training of Basic Health Consultants
Through this training you will be able to guide people in carrying out the Personal Health Plan.


Open Letter
To persons, groups, centres and organisations,
as well as existing initiatives on street,
neighborhood and municipal levels.

Books & Articles

fst.gif (6538 bytes) Handbook Holistic Health: "Flow System Therapy".
A breakthrough in medicine, containing 200 natural Self-Help therapies.
Book Review
Clinic & Selfhelp:
RSI & pain treatment through Chinese Guasha
In my more than 40 years of medical practice I have never seen anything like this!

Project Normalization of Blood Pressure
70 % of all high blood pressure can be cured by "Flow System Therapy. Our research in Brazil in cooperation with WHO Healthy Cities project.
Courses & Training:
Guasha Therapy Training
The unique approach for strengthening the immune-system & detoxification
To extend your expertise as a successful therapist.
See also:
Post Antibiotics Medicine: Boosting your Immune-System Prevention/treatment of cold, flu, virus infections "bird & swine flu etc."
Immune-deficiencies as the result of multi-causal factors, related to a.o. biography, lifestyle, society and environment.

Electromagnetic Sensitivity
One of the heath risks of modernity.

Stress, Burn-out & Regeneration
A spiritual, psychological, medical, relational, social and environmental solution to your problem.

Emotional self-integration (ESI)
The practice of psychological balance

About Dr. Han M. Stiekema

Han M. Stiekema

Han Marie Stiekema, born  1942 in Groningen, NL. Physician 1972 University of Groningen. Specialization in German Holistic Medicine (Ganzheitsmedizin). Pioneer in Holland. Internationally renowned clinical center (1972-1978). Additional emphasis on nutrition (Bircher-Benner), fasting therapy, inner body cleansing (Austria), regeneration, health, lifestyle and prevention. Participant consumers organization biological nutrition. Had an organic garden of his own. Co-founder herbal company. Later psychotherapy and spirituality, as well.  Zen teacher. Founded the Living Zen School (1981). Numerous articles, radio and TV performances. Organizer of annual "fasting-meditation peace walks" (1981-1984). Co-editor health magazine. Worldwide lecturing a.o. Europe, USA, Caribbean, Dubai, China. Stayed one year in Japan (teaching Japanese Zen-meditation), one year in HongKong (1990). Founded Centre for Spirituality and Ecology there. Married Mei Yu, a talented academic (1992 The Hague,  MA regional development/ epidemiology).   Director of School for Natural Medicine (1992-1996). Initiated and developed,   together with his wife, a  Spa Centre in 5 star hotel on Madeira, Portugal. Worked, again with his wife, half a year in hospital for the poor in Curitiba, Brazil (1998), including a hypertension project, in collaboration with WHO Healthy Cities Project. Founder of "Earth Care", a holistic educational eco-project. Director of Eco-Health Holidays. Author of (spiritual) poetry ("Omni-verses") and other (educational) books. Openened Center for Spirituality, Health, Education and Ecology (1998). Wrote handbook holistic health - Flow System Therapy - a breakthrough in medical theory and practice (1999).  Published some 12 books and numerous articles on various topics for free in the internet (The Great Learning) (2000). Initiator "PilgrimCare", a free pain treatment project for pilgrims on the Santiago de Compostela pilgrim route (Spain, 2004). As senior teacher lecturing in Santa Monica and Hollywood (USA). Interreligious Peace project, based on "The Eternal Feminine". Study trip Celtic Culture (2006, Ireland). Has found his life-mission with the Healing the Planet eco-project.  



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Latest updating: 01/01/14