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Chapter 4. NUTRITION Criteria of a healthy nutrition Organic wholesome food, excess of alkaline, partly raw, adjusted to individual digestive capacity, enough drinking, natural food for newborns, the sick and the elderly. Enjoying your food! What can go wrong Deficiency food, industrial processed food, additives, polluted food, junk food, undernourishment, too much animal protein, over-acidification, unbalanced food. Food supplies the energy and the building-stones necessary for daily life. Our functioning depends to a great extent on the right nutrition. The demands made on nutrition may therefore be high. The switching to wholesome food will not only considerably improve your health, but also prevent illness and - as has been proved by 28 years of my medical experience - in many instances lead to a curing. A CASE HISTORY Many people in my practice - the very serious or acute cases excluded - are first given recommendations on nutrition, to be adhered to for a month at home. Only then other treatments are given. It is unbelievable how people - with sometimes serious complaints - will improve or be cured by wholesome food alone. The first criterion for healthy food is the organic quality. This guarantees the optimal contents of natural vitamins, minerals, trace-elements, enzymes and the - relative - absence of damaging residues and additives. Unfortunately, because of the exhaustion of the land, with the overuse of chemical fertilizers, rather than the annual regeneration through organic substances, plants are less and less able to absorb vital substances from the soil. They are increasingly becoming weak and therefore vulnerable to all kinds of pests, the reason why more and more pesticides are given to them. This vicious circle turns out to be disastrous to human health. Deficiencies of vital substances - vitamins, minerals, trace-elements and enzymes - together with accumulation of toxic substances - are responsible for an alarming increase of all kinds of illnesses. Studies in the 1960s have already shown the negative impact of non-wholesome nutrition on our health (W. Kollath, M.O. Bruker, H. Anemueller). Vital functions are damaged to such a degree, that microscopic degenerative changes in tissues and cells could be demonstrated (mesotrophy"). Additional factors in devaluating our nutrition are the food industry and bad cooking habits. Through the first, all kinds of treatments are taking the good parts from the food, while adding the wrong ones (additives) to it. Sometimes no any vitamin is left, as with vitamin E in white flour. Because of the rapid increase of all kinds of health threatening factors - junkfood, self-poisoning from the bowel, immune-deficiencies, chemical pollution, amalgam, electro-smog, stress and allopathic medicines - we should take up to three times the minimum daily intake of vital substances, while in reality, through industrialized food, we often not even receive a fraction of what is considered to be a minimal daily requirement. The irony is, that while we need more, we receive less! To safeguard our survival, now and in the future, rapid spread of organic, ecological agriculture is a must. Hence, more large scale positive breakthroughs in agriculture should be welcomed. The next criterion of healthy nutrition, is a surplus of alkaline-forming residue. In the body, nutrition is metabolized into considerable amounts of acid waste products. Acid waste stems from protein metabolism like meat, fish, eggs, cheese and beans as well as from stimulants like coffee, tea and chocolate, whereas alkaline comes from fruits, vegetables and potatoes mainly. Thus, it has nothing to do with the acid taste of food, e.g. a sour tasting lemon is very much alkaline. The problem is, that the body has a difficulty in handling acid waste. While breakdown products of e.g. carbohydrates easily leave the body, either through the lungs (CO2) or the kidneys (water), the breakdown of protein is much more complicated. If accumulating, it gives rise to all kinds of disorders e.g. latent and local acidosis", like ischemia, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, gout, (muscle) rheumatism, glaucoma and many others. Alkaline is needed to neutralize acid waste, in order for the latter to become smoothly eliminated. The alkaline reserve of the body - needed for neutralizing acidity - could become limited in the long run though, hence we need enough intake of alkaline via our food. Moreover, all kinds of other factors nowadays tend to worsen the condition. First there are the alkaline eaters", foodstuff in itself not acid, but using minerals (alkaline) from the body. The most vicious ones are white sugar, white flour and its products, industrial fats and soft drinks (cola). If it comes to disturbances of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, keto-acids, lactic acid and other organic acids may be formed. Fermentation acids because of indigestion should not be overlooked. Eating the wrong things at the wrong time, under-function of the stomach and kidneys - the stomach by not producing HCL/pepsine anymore, the kidneys by not excreting enough acids - impairment of protein breakdown in older age, acid rain, chemical pollution, electro-smog and stress are all additional factors. They are all threatening the alkaline buffer capacity" of the blood. Hence, the blood, in order to upkeep its alkaline-reserves, is shifting excess of acids to a storage place: the soft connective tissue. While the blood shows normal values, the tissue is becoming increasingly acid. A local acidosis" exists, if - finally - also organs are affected. Hence, sufficient consumption of alkaline food is a condition sine qua non". Especially overconsumption of meat acidifies our body, generates indigestion - rotting" with self-pollution - extracts alkaline through the formation of phosphates and sulphates, increases the chances of intestinal cancer, often contains hormones and antibiotics and is mainly responsible for arteriosclerosis. Last but not least, the overconsumption of meat does have a series of unacceptable social and environmental implications. For every kilo of meat, seven times of vegetable animal food has to be produced. This unacceptable waste of resources has many consequences: hunger in the South, high use of pesticides, maltreatment of animals and erosion of the soil, to mention only a few. Flow system therapy has turned my life
upside down. It has given me understanding, trust in the processes of life, meaning,
enthusiasm in guiding people, compassion, friendship, strength, endurance and optimism.
Without it - I am sure - I wouldnt have Thus our food should have a daily excess of alkaline". As has been said above, among these the best are fruits, vegetables and potatoes. Fruits are especially recommended in the morning, while vegetables should be partly eaten as raw salads, always before the meals. Lunch is the best time for it, because then the body has still enough time for processing. Always take a great variety of vegetables, not only green ones, like water-cress, broccoli, spring onions, leek, bok choy, but also onions, carrots, red beets and sauerkraut. It automatically contains all the fibers you need. Potatoes are best when cooked, organic quality and boiled with skin is better. Use both kitchen herbs like oregano, thyme, rosemary, fennel and dill, as well as spices like ginger, chilli, pepper, nutmeg and curry abundantly, provided the latter do not overstimulate your pancreas. Regular alkaline soups", with potato, carrots, celery, leek, parsley, chives and above mentioned herbs, are highly recommended. Soy products are neutral or slightly acid, and therefore come next, like tofu/tahu, tempeh, miso-soup, miso-paste, soy bean sprouts, soy sauce and soy oil. Slightly acidifying are cereals such as brown rice, buckwheat and millet. These are immediately followed by the sour milk-products such as yoghurt, biogarde, sour cream and soft curd cheese, while milk is only for babies, children and undernourished people. Finally, there are the cold pressed oils like sunflower, corn, thistle, saffron, flaxseed or olive oil and seeds, including sesame-seed and paste. Use the highly unsaturated oils on your salads and the more saturated ones, like olive or soy oil, for frying and baking. Butter of organic quality is also recommended. Industrial margarines and baking fats are of bad quality, due to chemical hardening, heating and additives. Better avoid them altogether. On the other hand, dont be afraid of cholesterol. Arterioscleroses is not caused by healthy fats, but by overconsumption of (animal) protein. The above mentioned, constitutes the inner circle" of your daily eating pattern. It may constitute around 80% of your daily intake. If sufficient, you may then add to this a reasonable amount - 20% -of acid-forming products: the heavy grains such as wheat and rye, whole bread and pasta, peas and beans, nuts, cheese and animal protein e.g. meat, fish, egg and cheese. Recommendations for the daily intake of protein were subjected to major changes in the last 50 years, from 135 grams to 35 grams pure protein a day. I would say averagely 35-70 grams a day depending on your situation. Additionally, the intake of food has to be consistent with our biological cycles, e.g. the acid-alkaline cycle. From three to nine in the morning, the body produces an excess of acid, hence our alkaline intake to be most outspoken. It explains the success of systems like fit for life" in which eating of fruits only" in the morning is creating good feeling, vitality and energy. Ever since Dr.Bircher Benner opened his clinic in the twentieth in Switzerland and Dr. W. Kollath did his scientific research about mesotrophy", raw food and vegetarianism both got a new stimulus in Europe. Bircher Benner advocated raw vegetarian food as therapy for almost all civilization-related diseases and scored great successes with it. Dr. W. Kollath emphasized the importance of raw food, since only this contained all vital substances in their original form, not degraded by any processing. He was able to show, that cooked food created a leucocytic reaction in the mucous membrane of the bowels, similar to that of an inflammation, hence his conclusion, that cooked food is of inferior quality. Note: This is open to interpretation, since a leucocytic reaction" also can be considered as immune-stimulation". Moreover, those who were only eating cooked food over a long period of time had shrinking, slightly degenerating cells and tissues, called mesotrophy". The result was, that raw food and vegetarianism have become increasingly popular. Against the background of the environmental crisis, ethical factors are emphasized. Isnt the overconsumption of animal protein the cause of the depletion of the soil, after all, since seven kilos of vegetable proteins - of animal food like soy, corn, beets and linseed - have to be produced in order to gain one kilo of meat? Also the practices of animal husbandry are often not altogether considerate for the well-being of the animals involved. Not to speak of the damage to humans, as a result of large-scale malpractices with a.o. antibiotics and hormones in animals. It is probably so, that the environmental crisis, the hunger in the world, cannot be mastered without the entire world population accepting vegetarianism as a principle. The sooner this is going to be implemented, the better. However, the needs of the individual should not be overlooked. Depending on the constitution, condition and situation, some people need animal protein. Asthenic persons a.o. - the constitution types A according to Prof. Dr. H. Lampert - are bad carbohydrate processors. They easily get a chronic indigestion, because of a raw vegetarian diet. Also people in situations of subnutrition, hunger and recovery will need animal protein. Those who - in their own interest - certainly could do with much less, are the overfed populations of the affluent world. A CASE HISTORY A 56-old male visiting my practice had increasing complaints about a bloated belly, lack of energy and severe constipation. He had been vegetarian for the last 30 years, which for a long time had been quite satisfactory. He tried fasting and bowel cleansing, however to no avail. Because he suddenly remembered his mother saying, that she as a child had to live without milk and bread for two years, we decided to try a dairy, lactose and gluten-free diet. And yes, within a week, his condition started improving. After two months, he came back still complaining about the same things though. Especially his bloated belly was an annoyance. Because he showed some symptoms of intestinal carbohydrate fermentation, like rosacea in the face, a widening of the capillaries due to his own inner alcohol production (...), he hesitantly decided to start eating small portions of meat, fish and eggs again. Which was like a miracle. Very soon the shape of his abdomen became much less full, his energy returned and above all his regular stools hadnt looked so wonderful" for many years. The explanation was, that apparently he had a congenital (hereditary") food-intolerance from his mother all his life, without knowing it. Gluten and milk intolerance cause degeneration of the mucous membranes of the intestines, with as a result gradual impairment of the absorption of vital substances. The vegetarian food in this case had probably worsened the situation, because of too little protein compared to his huge needs. Only animal protein was able to regenerate his hypotrophic or maybe even atrophic intestinal villi (mucous membrane). Hence, my general advice: follow your logic in most cases; if confronted with serious health problems, listen to your body as well. To make it clear: organically natural food excludes refined white flour-products, just as sugar containing food together with - excessive - use of stimulants, furthermore all the unnatural products of the food-industry, like canned, processed and refined" food. Especially also the hardened, refined and heated fats like margarines of all trademarks, baking mixtures and animal fats, should be completely avoided. As you probably know the only fat-problem" is one of quality. Fats and oils are essential for health. Crucial is the sufficient intake of linoleic (omega-6) acid and alpha-linolenic (omega-3) acid in their original form: unrefined and cold-pressed. These fatty acids support countless vital functions in the body, like cellular membrane permeability, nerve and brain function, quality of hormones etc. They also produce good" prostaglandines (PGE 1 and 3) - a kind of hormone, that effects almost all vital bodily functions - only if consumed in unaltered state. However, when poly-unsaturated fatty acids are refined, hydrogenated and heated so-called trans-fatty acids are formed, leading to the production of bad" prostaglandine (PGE 2), responsible for immune-suppression, vascular disease like heart attack and probably cancer. Excess of linoleic acids, predominantly in safflower, sunflower, hemp or corn oil could also lead to bad" prostaglandine. Hence oils rich in alpha-linolenic fatty acids are better. The conclusion is to use cold-pressed oils only for direct use, raw and unchanged, for instance in salads, dressings and home-made mayonnaise. Soy, flax, sunflower and corn-oils may be first choices. To avoid the formation of trans-fatty acids these cold-pressed oils should not be used for frying and baking. For this purpose you may use the common saturated vegetable oils. Pure (virgin, low acid) olive oil is one of the best. Saturated! soy, corn and sunflower oils will also do. Butter is allowed too. Generally limit frying and baking as much as you can. Note: (fatty) fish also contains a high amount of poly-unsaturated fatty acids. For optimal bodily processing of fat, the intake of enough vitamins and minerals is a must: whole organic food, vitamin B-complex and the standard formula of most essential anti-oxidants. See chapters Assimilation" and Detoxification". It goes without saying, that we should pay attention to the list of contents on food-wrappings and pass over and/or claim against unhealthy additives and environmentally-unfriendly packing. Food from our own region may be more fresh and has less chance of containing fungi. Especially with beans, Soya-beans, peanuts, nuts, dried fruits and their products - which may have come from far and stored during a longer time - you have to be careful, because of possible aflatoxin or other fungus contamination. Aflatoxin is one of the strongest liver-cancer causing substances. Mixing above mentioned food with vitamin-C powder in water for at least five minutes may reduce the risk. Dry the beans, nuts etc. afterwards in your oven. During preparation of food in our own kitchen, we should retain as much as possible of the valuable ingredients. Raw mixed salads with lots of vegetables, followed by undercooked vegetables and blanching, should have our preference. The third major criterion of healthy nutrition, is that it has to be adjusted to our digestion. Not only what you eat, but how it is going to be digested, absorbed and passed through the bloodvessel wall on the way to the cells, is determining your health. Not taking this into account, major deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, trace-elements and enzymes are reported on a large scale nowadays. It also explains the - often - excessive intake of orthomolecular" substances. If on the other hand, the passage of nutrients through the body is optimized - through flow system therapy - much less supplements appear to be necessary. More about this in the next two chapters. Last but not least, it should be emphasized, that only the above mentioned entire nutritional package - organic, excess of alkaline, fresh salads, balanced - is going to achieve optimal health. The integrated approach is the secret. By doing so, all kinds of details prove to be less relevant. For instance, as will be explained later, the so-called cholesterol" problem doesnt appear to exist. Equally, we dont bother about calories". It is also a chapter which belongs to the past. Only if you eat the common industrial food, with its shortages of vitamins, minerals, trace-elements and enzymes, together with the damaging effects of toxins from the environment, the metabolism will lack vital substances, hence cannot function properly, the combustion being on a too low level. Nutrients cannot be sufficiently burned to their end-products and tend to be stored as fat in fat-tissue! In the absence of an integrated approach, people are increasingly obsessed with details. For instance, it appears not to be necessary to bother which vitamin, mineral or trace-element is in which vegetable, cereal or animal protein. This is going too much into detail and distracts from the main issue: to enjoy an optimal, balanced and integrated menu. If despite of this, you might be still interested in analysing your food, which for some purposes could be quite useful of course, you may ask your bookstore, since there is an almost unlimited information available. Another trendy phenomenon can be mentioned here. All kind of theories, speculations and stories are popping up about the miracles of certain isolated substances. If you (only) eat more...broccoli, mushrooms, garlic, ginger, sprouts, seaweed or selenium, zinc, magnesium...then you will be cured of this and that". Costly research is done to prove these hypotheses. Although all these nutrients are just great, unfortunately, this is not how it is working. If the whole package is wrong, improving some details wont really bring you the expected benefits. Only the integrated approach will do. After all, these beneficial substances are already part of a healthy diet! It is the interaction of all vital substances together, which gives the synergistic effect. Enjoying your food should not be overlooked here. A relaxed meal, with attractive looking and smelling ingredients, pleasant dish partners and ambiance, all contribute to an optimal nutritional effect in the body. Enjoying white rice will be more beneficial than eating brown rice with aversion! The body is an organism aimed at self-preservation. A great deal of symptoms like fever, common cold, boils, vaginal discharge, essential hypertension and many others are therefore functional and often meaningful expressions of strategic self-management Generally, there are no essential differences between the nutrition for the healthy and for the sick. Such a diet also has to be organic in the first place. The sick after all, are in an even greater need for vital substances. The other criteria also remain unchanged, like excess of alkaline and raw food. However, sometimes minor changes are necessary. Based upon the above mentioned principles - which means that classical" ways of dieting can be abandoned - the choice, the combinations and the preparation may differ in specific cases and diseases. For example, in cases of acute gastritis, ulcer of the stomach/duodenum, acute pancreatitis or biliairy colic, food will be temporarily reduced or altogether brought back to zero. Once the acute condition is over, again careful building up will be done. In such cases a short fast aims at sparing organs, however, generally it has a much broader indication. If applied as a real cure, it is breaking down intermediary products of metabolism, it detoxifies and eliminates waste products and toxins. While normally energy is acquired from food, the body then lives on combustion of its own superfluous material, to such an extent, that it can easily live on it for a while. Hence the joke fasting is not for vegetarians". Fasting is the ultimate healing", is easy to put into practice and....cheap. See chapter on Elimination" (10a and 10b). A CASE HISTORY A patient with hepatitis A was prescribed bed rest, damp packs, scyllimarin and a diet. The bed rest is usually 4-6 weeks. It is a.o. promoting bloodcirculation in the liver. Only after the urine is free of bilirubin, the patient may slowly get up. Daily hot clay, potato or fango-packs on the liver, 2 times a day 1 hour are given. Herb. Card. Mariae contains scyllimarin, one of our best remedies for liver-disease. The standard daily dosage is three times two tables of 70 mg each after the meal. Additionally alpha lipoic acid 100 mg a day was given. The diet consists of 100-150 pure protein a day, more than average carbohydrates and few fats. Soft cheese curd is the main protein provider, with 250 gr. (= 50 gr. pure protein) a day. The rest of the protein is given as milk. Very soon eggs can be given, since they are mostly easily tolerated, later completed with low-fat meat and fish. Fats only as (organic) butter and highly unsaturated cold-pressed vegetable oils. The soft cheese curd-linseed oil porridge (quark) being one of the favorites! After one to two weeks raw vegetables may be added, like sauerkraut. Carbohydrates, e.g. as honey, concentrated pear-juice, rice, flour, maizena are to be given abundantly. All stimulants, like coffee, tea, spices, alcohol and nicotine are strictly forbidden. The way of administering may be different too. People with impairment of chewing function (elderly), poor digestibility or in terminal stages of disease, will receive a great deal of their wholesome food mashed. Fresh mixed salads will be squeezed into vegetable juices. Quite a few chronic conditions react positively on e.g. raw food only. Decompensation of the heart, acute glomerulonephritis, essential hypertension, acute icterus and arthritis are among the examples. The technique of raw food diet isnt very difficult. The recommendations of Dr. Bircher Benner are still one of the best. Usually, only a short period of time is needed. Hence, a 8-days cure is most popular. After such a period, the normal natural food intake can be resumed. An example of a day on raw food is the following. First breakfast: herbal tea and some muesli, second breakfast: fruits. At lunchtime mixed raw salad with e.g. watercress, red beets, carrots with lemon, oil and herbs, afternoon: herbal tea with rice cracker, while in the evening (as an exception to my advice: see Vitality Food) again raw food is taken: celery with home-made mayonnaise - made from soft cheese curd linseed oil porridge - and carrots with lemon and oil. Never any salt is added! Worries about shortage of vital substances are totally without ground, since these kinds of diets are always of short duration. The extension of the fruits only" breakfast is fruitfasting. In fruitfasting you live two or three weeks exclusively on fruits. You may eat all kinds of fruits, preferably the neutral", sour and bitter ones, in order to avoid fermentation. Favourites are apples, strawberries, grapefruits, kiwis, pine-apples, papayas, watermelons and grapes. Because fruits are both rich in alkaline and potassium, the effects of a fruitfast are mainly de-acidification and excretion of excess of sodium. Most people like fruitfasting, because of its simple application. There should be at least half an hour between eating a particular kind of fruit. One kind of fruit a time. Chew well. The last fruit will be eaten at 6 pm. Three pinches of chilli powder may be taken daily, because of its boost on the combustion. Two small dessertspoons of green clay are also recommended, to prevent self-poisoning from the bowel, while 2-3 liters of pure water and herbal teas will be flushing your flow system. Because fruits contain a high amount of (fruit) sugar, you maintain a high level of energy in the body. Detoxification and flare-up symptoms are usually absent. It is the kind of cure you may therefore do while you are working, although its benefits will be greater, if done in a retreat. Indications for a fruitfast are manifold, from optimizing your health, prevention to therapy. Most of the civilization" related disorders will be improving through it. Contra-indications - the same for juice-fasting - are fermentation, hypoglycemia, candida and some chronic diseases1. At last a few words about food-intolerance. Together with allergy (see later chapter Detoxification"), it is a fact of increasing concern. The first group of disorders is digestive related. Lactose intolerance is a good example. In this case, the intestines lack the digestive enzyme lactase. Through which the lactose can not be broken down. The result is lactose accumulation, causing intestinal fermentation. Depending on the situation, both diarrhoea or/and constipation can be the result. Another example is gluten-intolerance. Gluten is a protein in cereals like wheat, rye, barley and oats. Like in milk and lactose intolerance, the cause is mostly congenital, that means a predisposition acquired from the parents. The gluten can not be broken down, hence becomes poisoness. In some people this works as a sensibilization. Which means, that the immune system shows an increasing tendency of over-reaction. In the course of time the intolerance therefore can cause an allergy. Gluten intolerance has then become a celiac syndrome. The second variety of food intolerance is related to metabolic processes. Our metabolism includes thousands of chemical reactions. In which substance A is transferred into substance B, etc. For this reaction to take place, enzymes and co-enzymes are needed. Enzymes are highly vulnerable vital substances, which can be easily damaged by chemical toxins, radiation, and e.g. electro-smog. Co-enzymes consist a.o. of trace- elements like copper, zinc and selenium. They therefore depend on proper intake of these substances. As we have already seen, common nutrition very often lacks enough vitamins, minerals and trace-elements. Needless to say, that our metabolic functions nowadays are under great strain. Because the enzymes and co-enzymes are not working properly, metabolic functions will be increasingly impaired. With - as in our example - accumulation of substance A and deficiency of substance B. Intolerance arises, if our organism can not detoxify the accumulated substance. We may then become confronted with intolerance to those nutrients, which are directly related to these specific metabolic functions. The third possible cause of food intolerance does not come from food itself, but from its additives. Nowadays almost all food contains a.o. colorants, flavourings, emulsifiers and preservatives. An increasing number of people show adverse reactions towards these chemicals, in particular children. Young children dont have a mature metabolism yet. Hence, they are the most easy victims. Hyperactivity is one of the symptoms. It is the common denominator for a deteriorated body-mind. It includes symptoms like uncontrolled and sometime uncontrollable behaviour, restlessness, aggression, problems with concentration, sleeplessness, memory and learning ability. A CASE HISTORY A mother came to me with a four years old child. The child suffered from an extremely bloated belly, combined with constipation. During the day there were periods with great restlessness, alternating with fatigue. In the night it very often cried. Since the child did not reacted positively to a general improvement of nutrition, I decided to do some intolerance and allergy tests. The outcome was positive. It showed a multifactorial etiology. Because symptoms of real allergy were absent, the conclusion: intolerance, in this case of gluten-, milk- and salicylate was made. Imagine: a young child not able to eat common cereals, dairy products and fruits anymore, since most fruits contain salicylate, with pears as the only exception. The cause of the salicylate-intolerance was the previous aspirin abuse of the mother (...). OPTIMAL VITALITY CARE Optimal Vitality Care" is the name
under which I have been operating" during the last 28 years. It expresses the
underlying philosophy. By only" improving health and its basic functions,
optimal vitality is (re)gained, 4.1 Kick the stimulants Especially sugar, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, soft drinks, nicotine, (too much) alcohol, white flour, all other processed and refined foods and additives should be totally dropped from your diet. Sugar a.o. causes intestinal fermentation, hypoglycemia, pancreatic and adrenal exhaustion, calcium and vitamin B-deficiencies and is therefore the main factor in ongoing degeneration. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, containing methyl alcohol as well, are responsible for an increasing set of symptoms, ranging from sleeplessness to memory loss, depression and headaches. The cyclamates and saccharin links to cancer are still not sufficiently cleared. Instead, choose moderate amounts of non-heated honey, molasses, maple syrup and malt syrups for instance. Caffeine, usually found in coffee, black tea, cola drinks and chocolate, is co-responsible for pancreatic and adrenal exhaustion, disbalance of the autonomous nervous system, high blood pressure, heart attacks, headaches, depression, sleeplessness, irritability, loss of minerals etc. Stopping it abruptly can cause withdrawal symptoms, which may last for one or two weeks. Go down gradually while doing a mild cleansing program2 with vegetarian food, alkaline soups, a lemon a day, drinking lots of water, a daily enema, exercise and the intake of sodium bicarbonate twice a week. Choose mixtures of herbal teas which are available everywhere nowadays. Nice examples of home-made brews are herbal teas with fruit juices and water, like lemon grass tea, apple juice and water. Soft drinks contain phosphates, which may cause imbalance in the calcium-phosphate ratio. Too high phosphate levels provoke the mobilisation of calcium from the bones, inducing osteoporosis. To kick the smoking habit several measures may be combined. The change to a healthy diet, combined with a drinking cure and daily exercise is the basis. You may add nicotine tablets to it. What also may help is the excessive smoking cure". While doing the above mentioned healthy changes you start smoking excessively, really one cigarette after the other, until it literally makes you want to puke. After ten or so cigarettes most people stop. In order to avoid that you are sick to death of it", consult your doctor first about possible risks. One (to two) glasses of organic! red wine daily is usually allowed, because of its beneficial effects mainly on the blood-circulation. Contra-indicated in case of fermentation, hypoglycemia, candida, mental instability, alcoholism and chronic pancreatic and liver disorders. Dropping the refined and processed foods may speak for itself. Now, what helps here are two things. First the insight, that all junk food is interrelated. Using one stimulant usually stimulates the use of the others. They are all part of one package". Dropping one habit is much more difficult, than just kick them all simultaneously. My advice therefore: drop them all at once and altogether. Furthermore, the use of stimulants is commonly related to our spiritual and psychological balance, happiness in relationship and work-satisfaction. I therefore strongly recommend you to read chapter Body/mind & Spirit" (see book) in order to receive some inspiration and support for deeper personal transformation. 4.2 Transition days Before switching to nutritious food, a few - one or two - transition days are recommended. Start with a level (dessert)spoonful (22-30 gr.) of magnesium sulphate - available at your chemist - to be taken in a glass of lukewarm water (300 cc) half an hour before bedtime. After that you live on water, herbal teas and grapefruit juice alone or fruit in the morning with rice-vegetables for lunch, for two or three days. In the evening just herbal tea or a rice-cracker. It prevents the new food from being spoiled by the old indigestion. 4.3 Rich in Fiber So as to activate the intestines and their healthy bacterial flora. Moreover, fibre detoxifies the colon preventing self-poisoning and colon-cancer. It helps in regulating blood glucose and is a factor in weight control. The eating of wholesome food - with its optimal amount of (raw) vegetables - will in itself provide a sufficient amount of fibers. As an aide to a good bowel movement: see the chapter on Elimination". 4.4 Soft cheese curd (quark) linseed oil-porridge According to Johanna Budwig3 , a chemist and natural therapist from Germany, linseed (flax seed) oil with its unsaturated fatty acids is among the most powerful healing substances available. It provides energy and the optimal build-up of cells, especially of their lipo-protein structures. It is therefore especially recommended in cases of lowered resistance, stress and illness. Budwig became famous because of her cancer-treatments. She not only prescribed soft cheese curd linseed oil porridges as a daily diet, but total oil body rubs and enemas (keeping the oil in) as well. Inspired by her work I already in 1972 started working with linseed oil oil in the above mentioned ways. Many patients subsequently were doing the oil-protein diet, all benefited from it. It was one of the reasons why in short notice many severely ill patients visited my consultation hour, among them quite a few cancer patients. Ever since the importance of essential fatty acids have only increased, the reason why I strongly emphasize the daily use to everybody. Johanna Budwig wrote many books, proving the relationship between sun-energy and the storage-capacity of linseed. Porridge to be taken in the morning or as a dessert at lunch time. Note: Even if you are used to eating fruit in the morning, you may well take this porridge during a week - to months - long cure. For the recipe, see Appendix lll in the book, Vitality Food Recipes. A CASE HISTORY In my 25 years practice as a natural medical doctor hundreds of cancer patients received the following advice: Use cold-pressed unrefined vegetable oils only for salads, dressings, sauces, home-made mayonnaise and the soft cheese curd linseed oil porridge (quark). Lin (flax)seed, sunflower, corn and soy are the favorites. Use flaxseed oil for total body massage and enemas. For baking and frying use saturated vegetable oils: especially pure olive oil, but also soy, corn and sunflower. Butter, preferably of organic quality - fat-soluble toxins free - is also allowed. Limit frying and baking as much as you can. A limited amount of (fatty) fish is recommended. Eat organic whole foods only, completed by vitamin B-complex and the standard anti-oxidants (Vit. C, E, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium and n-acetyl cysteine). Doing this, there will be no fat-problem" anymore in your life. On the contrary, the above mentioned recommendations are one of the cornerstones for the treatment of cancer and health in general. 4.5 Rotation diet Nowadays, there is a dramatic increase in food-intolerance and allergies, due to chemicals. Many children are hyperactive and even much stress, suffered by adults, is directly linked to food and eating-habits. All the more reason to take this and similar toxins related problems seriously. Because everyone absorbs daily a great variety of toxins - colourings, flavourings, preservatives, agricultural pesticides - it is necessary to sufficiently alternate your food-pattern. Different kinds of fruits and vegetables, a variety of carbohydrates like potatoes, pasta, brown rice, corn, buckwheat, bread and proteins like soy, sour-milk products, fish and eggs should therefore be taken. Design you weekly menu in such a way, that every day you eat something different. It reduces the chance for sensibilization for a particular substance, be it food or additive. Needless to say, that through organic food, the intake of toxins is greatly minimized. Note: alternating your daily menu should be distinguished from taking lots of different things in one meal though. Everyday the meals should be different, while the composition of each meal should be kept simple. For instance, eating just one or very few things only may be quite useful to unburden your digestive system, pancreas and liver. You will be surprised how well you feel by eating fruits-only in the morning, a mixed raw salad with fish or tofu for lunch and a little rice-vegetables for supper. It is a diet you could safely do for a couple of months, unless you are undernourished or in case of an emaciating disease, tbc for instance. See chapter on Digestion" and Appendices II and III in the book. A CASE HISTORY The daughter of good friends of mine had her first baby, a beautiful baby indeed. After about six months though, the baby became increasingly blue". It developed with such a rapid speed that she immediately consulted her family doctor. However, he wasnt able to trace the cause(s) and advised her to go to the hospital. As a last resort I was consulted, after a short examination immediately thinking of a blue baby". Blue-baby syndrome" is a well-known phenomenon, the consequence of too much nitrates in tap water and green vegetables, like spinach and others. It comes from polluted (ground)water. Some green plants absorb the nitrates to a great extent, with as a result, that once eaten by the baby, it will bind itself to haemoglobine in the blood, in such a way, that it blocks the binding of oxygen there. A shortage of oxygen will be the result, which becomes visible as blueish color of the tongue, mucous membranes, skin and nails. The advice in such a case is simple. The baby should immediately change to bottled water and organic baby-food only, while in the beginning omitting all green vegetables. The result was spectacular. Already within a few days, babies color was back to normal. 4.6 Stone-age" diet You may find relief from your food-intolerance and related problems - chronic indigestion, candida, hypoglycemia, allergies - by only using that food which originally was taken by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Especially people with blood-type O could benefit from it, since this was the blood-type of the stone-age. Blood-type A came much later and is related to the agrarian revolution, the age in which mankind discovered" agriculture, after which B followed, while AB blood-types are not even one thousand years old. Which indicates that the latter are better accustomed to civilization-related" nutrition - cereals, legumes, dairy products - than the former. Stone-age man on the other hand ate what he found in nature. If you would like to try it, use raw food mainly, consisting of fruits, vegetables, seaweed, potatoes, roots, nuts, seeds, eggs, completed by fish and (red) meat. It is very similar to the established Evers-diet" for multiple sclerosis, only indicating that it certainly might help in lots of other degenerative diseases as well. The striking difference between the stone-age and the civilized" diet is the complete absence of sugar in the former, together with a high content of fresh vegetables and fiber. Already in 1939 Dr. Weston Price published the evidence of the degenerative effects of civilization" in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration". Processed and refined foods can cause degenerative constitutional changes within one generation! Note: Stone-age diet might be favorably combined with another stone-age" therapy: Guasha. See chapter 9 Detoxification". 4.7 Salicylate-poor diet In case of a sensitivity to salicylate, especially in children. Leave out fruits in particular, except for pears. For more information and guidance, consult your nutritionist. Just as for special test-diets in cases of specific food-intolerance and allergic reactions e.g. to cow milk, gluten and chemicals. 4.8 Undernourishment In these cases, the principles of a healthy nutrition are even more valuable. There are some special guidelines. Because of the poor digestibility, portions should be small, but frequent and varied. Nutrition should be rich in carbohydrates, preferably consisting of easily digestible cereals, like rice, millet and local varieties. Of course organic quality should be preferred. Porridges enriched with butter, a vegetable oil and honey are quite useful. High quality proteins, like milk, dairy products, good meat, eggs and Soya constitute an important part of the daily food, together with butter and (cold-pressed) vegetable oils. Additionally vegetables are given. Suppletion with vitamins, minerals and trace-elements is always indicated. In case of a severe malnutrition (hunger), the nutrition should be equally rich in proteins and low in sodium. Soya, with its high content of proteins and fats, is of great value. Additional to the rest of the food, 135 gr. of Soya-flour and 200 gr. Soya flakes can be given. In the second part of the treatment, raw vegetables can be added. One should proceed carefully, since these people are in a state of dystrophy, a advanced stage of a degenerative chronic disorder. Relaxation, rather than activation is needed. Existing insufficiency of the digestion should be treated, e.g. by mashing the food and by substitution of pepsin and HCl. Suppletion should be taken care of. See chapters on Digestion" and Assimilation". In case of severe sweating (exhaustion), one could take extractum Flor. Salviae 3 dd 30 dr., or another effective remedy. In case of heart-failure the common digitalis often appears too strong". More mild are crataegus and convallaria remedies. 4.9 Nutrition for the elderly Although the recommendations given in this book, are largely sufficient to cover the needs of elderly, some remarks seem to be necessary here. First the elderly, like everybody else need high quality food. Especially because of maintenance of functions, regeneration potential and the improvement of detoxification. Elderly need more vital substances to keep up vitality and are less able to digest" large quantities. Their chewing capacity should be taken into account. If impaired, mashed food should be given. Especially mashed or squeezed (green) vegetables are very suitable for the purpose. Since the detoxification capacity goes down with age, emphasis has to be laid on food that can be digested and metabolized easily. Meat, cheese, beans, coffee and tea should therefore be limited or skipped altogether. Sufficient intake of fluids - water and herbal teas - should be looked at. Last but not least: elderly need their daily exercise. Simple exercises, walking, swimming and underwater-gymnastics are all great. 4.10 Soy A chapter on nutrition without underlining the importance of soy-products will be a grave shortcoming, hence the following. Soy has been the cheap protein source of the poor masses of Asia for centuries. It is a complete substitution" for animal protein, since it contains all eight essential amino-acids. Processed soy-beans - sprouts, tofu, tempeh, miso, soy-sauce, soy-milk and others - are easily digestible, only rarely causing indigestion. They are neutral on the acid-alkaline scale. Soy is gluten and lactose-free, contains a series of minerals and vitamins, is high in linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3), polyunsaturated fatty acids, which latter is essential for cell growth and repair, brain function and stimulation of the immune-system. Moreover, soy-beans contain anti-oxidants that protect against the harmful effects of free radicals, plus substances that have a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle and inhibit the growth of breast and prostate cancer. Soy-products are thus becoming more and more popular for good reasons. Since huge commercial interests are at stake, the common products are usually genetically manipulated. Therefore ask for organic quality only. 4.11 Vitality Food Recipes 4.12 Recipes for tofu-making and sprouts 4.13 Nutritional Scheme for Infants Back to the Content |
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